Sunday, June 1, 2008


We had a ninth grade dance two days before school got out. We got our year books that night also, so it was anything but a dance because everyone was signing yearbooks, lame, but still it was fun. Here's my best friends (Sara and Alicia) and me standing next to Zac Efron. :)
Brenden Smith is an 8th grader, but since he's an officer he got to come. We had a lifesize.. thing.. of Hannah Montana, just like Zac Efron, and he picked it up and just started carrying it around. It took me a while to realize that she wasn't really a person. Ha.
Here's me and Sara, last day of school. I look all sweaty and gross because I just got done playing basketball with a bunch of guys. It was so scary. I practically got trampled over!! Ahh.


Anjeanette said...

You look so good Jess. I can't believe how long your hair is!

Abby said...

that's funny they handed out yearbooks at the dance- hope you got to dance a little... and play b-ball- you show those boys how to play!!! :) you're beautiful jess- i want my hair styled like yours. my hair is super long too, but definitely not as thick as yours.. love ya!